Dare to Share Sweetness
Brigadeiro is a gesture of care. And care is love. When you share, you dare! When you dare, you love. S2
Share to Care and Dare to Love

- Party Box 45 1 products
- Gift Box 15 1 products
- Taste Box 6 1 products
- Coffee Beans 1kg 1 products

The first and only brigadeiro shop in the Netherlands. And like Sweet Bob, there's no other experience in the world
Brigadeiro is the most famous Brazilian delicacy, originally tasted in celebration times, from birthdays to weddings, always between friends and family. Sweet Bob's brigadeiros are freshmade from the best Dutch condensed milk, butter and different ingredients for each recipe, as high-quality chocolates, fruits, nuts, drinks or based on delicious creations like stroopwafel, tiramisu, bob brownie or lemon pie. Different flavours everyday. Feel the creamy!

Brigadeiros were first created in the 40s of the last century
Meanwhile Brigadeiro is the most famous and popular delicacy for over 200 million Brazilians and is eaten during all celebrations, from weddings and birthdays to ‘gezellig’ socializing with friends. And now Sweet Bob has arrived and established in Amsterdam, Jodaan, the first brigadeiroshop in the Netherlands. Visit us and have a taste! ☺

In 1946, women in Brazil were allowed to vote for the first time and the women supported presidential candidate Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes massively, partly by making and selling Brigadeiro’s to finance his campaign. Gomes did not become president, but the Brigadeiro did become part of the Brazilian culture and crossed the borders to many countries and cities including Amsterdam.

Fresh Brazilian Barista Coffee
During important moments of our world history this drink was used as a sober way of dialogue. As during war in some moments in talks about peace.

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